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Make one change today— add more fibre to your meals!

Writer's picture: Jo-Ann RoetsJo-Ann Roets

High fibre diet for weight loss
Eat more fibre every day

Dietary Fibre is made up of the indigestible parts of plants, which pass relatively unchanged through our stomach and intestines. It is a structural component found in certain foods.  

Something as simple as aiming to eat 30 grams of fibre each day can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure, and improve your body's response to insulin.

Yes, as simple as that!

Fibre might just be the key to healthy weight management . 

Foods high in fibre:

  • Fruits, vegetables, salads

  • Nuts and seeds

  • wholegrain foods; Rolled Oats, Brown rice, wholegrain pasta, wholegrain bread

  • oat bran, wheat bran, barley, psyllium, ancient grains

  • Legumes – beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas

Fibre affect how your body absorbs carbohydrates and tells your cells how to process them once they are absorbed.  Fibre slows the absorption of sugar in your gut.  It also orchestrates the fundamental biology that weight loss drugs tap into, but in a natural way.  Your microbiome transforms fibre into signals that stimulate the gut hormones that are the natural forms of these drugs. These in turn regulate how rapidly your stomach empties, how tightly your blood sugar levels are controlled and even how hungry you feel. 

Unfortunately, the western diets get the majority of their carbohydrates stripped of their natural fibres. Think white rice, white flour,  sugary breakfast cereals, chips, baked goods, packaged snacks and juices have removed these fibres. 

Also, busy schedules, access and availability to fresh produce, all contribute to less priority made to include more fruit, vegetables and salads with all our meals.  What is easier than toast and cheese for lunch right!

It may not be surprising, that the LACK of fibre can contribute to the following conditions:

  • Diabetes

  • Insulin resistance

  • Obesity

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Leaky gut syndrome

  • IBS

  • Diverticulitis

  • Bowel cancer

Limiting simple sugars and refined carbohydrates may improve certain aspects of metabolic health. 

But a more sustainable and comprehensive way of improving health may be increasing unprocessed, complex and slowly absorbed carbohydrates that comes with more natural fibres.  

It is therefore not just about what to avoid in order to loose weight and improve your health, it is what to EAT MORE OF, to reap the results.

So make ONE change today: add more fibre to your meals!

Lets compare

Low fibre intake

Improved fibre intake

This example will provide only 17g of fibre

This example will provide 32g of fibre


Instant Oats

Rolled oats

1 tbsp seeds

1 bsp unsalted nuts

1 small banana


Rusk and Tea

Apple, and almonds


2 slices of brown toast



2 slices of wholegrain toast


2 eggs

Cup of tomato, cucumber and gherkins


Provitas with Bovril

Provitas with Hummus


Chicken Nuggets


Grilled chicken

Baked potatoe

Mixed vegetables

Get in touch for a more comprehensive analysis of your fibre intake, and how to make adjustments that will fit your own metabolic make-up.



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